Bio Medical Calibration
Dimensional Calibration
Electrical Calibration
Pressure Calibration
Temperature Calibration
Humidity Calibration
Torque Calibration
Mass Calibration
Volumetric Calibration
Flow Calibration
Force Calibration
NDT Calibration
pH & Other Instruments
Gas Analyser & Detector Calibration
Sound Calibration
Our biomedical calibration services provide the highest level of accuracy, traceability, and reliability possible. Conductivity/pH meters, defibrillator analyzers, infusion pump analyzers, flow meters and patient simulators are only a few examples of the instruments we calibrate.
Authorised Fluke Biomedical Calibration Center - General Tech Services
General Tech's biomedical calibration services provide the highest level of accuracy, traceability, and reliability possible. Conductivity/pH meters, defibrillator analyzers, infusion pump analyzers, flow meters and patient simulators are only a few examples of the instruments we calibrate.
Customers receive a Certificate of Calibration with each calibrated instrument, and electronic record backup is available at no charge. Our computer systems track instruments throughout the calibration/repair process, and detailed unit histories are archived for customer reference.
We are the only audited and authorized Fluke calibration in the Middle East that can inspect, calibrate and adjust the below instruments:
- Defibrillator Analyzers
- Digital Pressure Meters
- Electrical Safety Analyzers
- Electrosurgery Analyzers
- Gas Flow Analyzers
- Incubator Radiant Warmer Analyzers
- Infusion Pump Analyzers
- Patient Monitor Simulators
- Phototherapy Radiometer
- Portable Oscilloscopes
Being a part of Fluke Biomedical, we also take care of Raysafe calibration. Raysafe products include :
- RaySafe X2
- RaySafe X2 Solo
- RaySafe Xi
- RaySafe Solo
- RaySafe ThinX
- RaySafe DXR+
Only Authorised Fluke Bio-Medical Calibration Center for Defibrillator Analyzers, Electrical Safety Analyzers, Electrosurgery Analyzers, Infusion Pump Analyzers, Patient Monitor Simulators in the GCC

Calibration Services You Can Count On
General Tech Services is accredited to ISO 9001:2015 to ensure we consistently deliver technically valid test results and calibrations.
33,000+ calibrations each year
50+ highly-trained technicians
20 custom support specialists
General Tech Services is accredited to ISO 9001:2015 to ensure we consistently deliver technically valid test results and calibrations.

26+ Years
caring about your calibration needs

calibrations each year

highly-trained technicians

custom support specialists