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Dimensional Inspection and CMM Inspections Services

The Dimensional Inspection Lab of General Construction Lab is an EIAC Accredited ISO-17025 Certified Calibration Lab. By utilizing state of the art Mitutoyo measuring equipment, other reference instruments, and supporting software of unsurpassed quality, we can provide virtually unlimited Dimensional Inspection Capabilities and CMM Inspections Services.

The Dimensional Inspection Lab of General Construction Lab is an EIAC Accredited ISO-17025 Certified Calibration Lab. By utilizing state of the art Mitutoyo measuring equipment, other reference instruments, and supporting software of unsurpassed quality, we can provide virtually unlimited Dimensional Inspection Capabilities and CMM Inspections Services.

Our Dimensional Inspection services are complete with a full Metrology Lab and High-Accuracy Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM), Video Measuring Capabilities for extra small items like printed circuit boards, a 12″ Optical Comparator as well as a full range of precision dimensional measurement instruments.

We are able to provide precision measurements in a timely and efficient manner with virtually unlimited Metrology Services. Using Mitutoyo 9106, we have the capacity to inspect parts up to 900 x 1000 x 690 mm.

Carrying out comparison CMM inspection to the drawings provided for samples, every test carried out is backed with a traceable certificate for reference.

In addition, being the authorized distributors for Mitutoyo, we can provide a quote for new CMM's as well. Contact us to know more.